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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

PYP Recycled Art Materials

PYP students at Lancers have been learning about recycling and sharing the planet. In Visual Arts as well as their homeroom classes the students have learnt the importance of  recycling and how it impacts the environment, the community, and the planet. In the art lessons we have created new works of art from recycled materials. Foundation students used recycled paper towel rolls for the trunks of their trees, and recycled paper to create self portraits to go with their UOI Where We Are in Place and Time, of the different seasons. Nursery students used recycled water bottles to create octopii  by learning about imaginative use of materials to go with their UOI, How we Express Ourselves. Grade one also used recycled water bottles to create fish to go with their UOI Sharing the Planet.

Nursery B-Leo

Nursery B-Rayhan

Materials Nursery B used for their Octopus 

Grade 1B- Sunghyunn

Grade 1B-Elena

Display of Grade 1 recycled water bottle fish

Foundation 2 display of recycled paper towel rolls and paper trees with self portraits

Foundation 2-Veer

Foundation 2-Calvin

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