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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Grade 5 How the World Works

Grade 5 Unit of Inquiry How the World Works

Central Idea: Every Object in the universe is a result of force and energy. 

Lines of Inquiry:
1. Types of forces and energy.
2. Difference between force and energy.
3. Use and misuse of forces and energy.

Grade five learned about gravitational and applied force during this Unit of Inquiry. For applied force the students carved potatoes with designs and learned that if you use applied force with paint the potato will create a print. 

The students carving designs.

The students carving designs.

Potato prints using applied force.

Potato prints using applied force.

Potato prints using applied force.

Grade 4 Recycled Art.

Grade 4 Unit of Inquiry project for sharing the planet.

Central Idea: People influence different environmental problems.

Lines of Inquiry:

1. Various environmental problems.

2. Causes and effects of environmental problems.

3. Ways of preventing environmental problems.

We discussed various ways to recycle, and the importance of it. The students were given a soda can and were asked to create a work of art based off of a person or animal. The students came up with very animated and beautiful works of art.  

Works by the students



